Tuesday, February 28, 2012

What's in a name?

It has occured to me that in all the time that I have been posting here (intermittently I admit) I have never explained the reasoning behind the name The John Dory.
It stems from my days at Rhodes and is of course Cockney Rhyming Slang.
According to Wikipedia cockney rhyming slang is defined as a form of phrase construction in the English language and is especially prevalent in dialectal British English from the East End of London; hence the alternative name, Cockney rhyming slang. The construction involves replacing a common word with a rhyming phrase of two or three words and then, in almost all cases, omitting the secondary rhyming word, in a process called hemiteleia, making the origin and meaning of the phrase elusive to listeners not in the know.
I don't know about all that. What I do know is at Rhodes it was what we used to ask eachother before going out on the town. As in: What's the John Dory? Which of course means what's the story, what are you doing, what are you up to?
It's the "story" part which has always stuck with me. Telling stories is what I have wanted to do my entire life. Putting my thoughts down on paper is something that has appealed to me from a very young age and it is what has shaped my career and my life thus far. Like many writers out there I harbour aspirations of writing a great novel. But I am also extremely interested in the business aspects of communication, strategy, public relations and media analysis.
When I started my first newspaper job, nearly a decade ago now, I was given the opportunity to write a column about the nightlife of a fair city by the bay. I was a very serious young journalist however and was concerned that the details I revealed in my columns would tarnish my image. So I chose a pseudonym - The John Dory. I even obnoxiously referred to myself in the third person. Writing as the John Dory however allowed me a certain sense of freedom which you are not allowed as a journalist, or a PR consultant for that matter.
So overtime the term John Dory became more than a pseudonym - it became a place where I could freely write down my most important, and sometimes personal, thoughts. Like most bloggers I failed to post regularly or succintly - often rambling - most times being self-indulgent. Sometimes though, driven by emotion, I would post pieces which made me proud and which served as a reminder that when I wanted to I could in fact write.
This blog is now a collection of some of those pieces - one that will hopefully continue to grow as I strive to be taken seriously as a communications specialist in my professional life and as writer in my personal one. I hope you enjoy it.
PS. I will write for money.

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