Monday, September 3, 2007

Whose compromising?

The John over the moon.

Out of the political wilderness which has spewed forth an inept Health Minister, a morally bankrupt presidential imcumbent and a family whose shaiky business dealings are chippyng away at the our reputation has come a saviour who will stamp out crime and lead Mzansi boldly into the realm of the first world where we belong.

OK maybe the John has over indulged in joy at the news that Cyril Ramaphosa - the man who helped pen the Constitution - will be entering the presidential race but it is afterall the type of stuff that makes one drunk with optimism.

It is an optimism which leads to you writing long sentences and adding insane punctuation to your copy.

According to the Sunday Times Cyril (and I hope he doesn't mind me calling him that) has been nominated for the ruling party's top spot by the party's OR Tambo region. I think Oliver Reginald would be proud of the choice the branch named for him has made.

The Sunday Times has described him as a compromise candidate - but honestly is it a compromise to elect a man with his track record as president when the alternatives will either mean rewriting the constitution or voting for Zuma?

Political choices when it comes to elections should be based on policy and the ideas put forth by the candidate but the John must admit that in this case all those sobering things have very little to do with it.

Cyril's name is the first one which truly instills confidence as far as this race is concerned.

It brings a calmness which has been missing from what has been a frenetic environment where inept politicians have been hunted down by (some of) the South African media.

Watchdogs don't bite people as much as they (we?) have in the last few months.

If nothing else maybe Cyril will bring back some positive political reporting then again sometimes the John just makes himself laugh.

Thank God for Cyril?

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